Booking Policies

On Arrival

  • Please arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment to check-in at the reception

  • You are required to fill in a Health Form at the reception. The information will be used by the practitioner to tailor your massage based on your specific needs (example: any pain you are experiencing)

    • If you don’t have any specific problem and only require a full body massage, that’s ok too!

  • You will be given a clean set of clothes to change into

Late Arrival

If you arrive late, we reserve the right to curtail your appointment time. We reserve the right to charge at the full rate of your booking to respect our practitioner’s time and to respect our next clients’ appointments.


If you need to cancel your appointment, please cancel at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment.


Drop in’s welcome if there are time availability. Or you can book your appointment in advance by calling us , using our Contact Us form or using the booking page.

Do you have more questions? Check out our FAQ or if you still can’t find an answer to your question, please call us at (647) 824-5646 or use the Contact Us form to get in touch!