Frequently Asked Questions

Have you read our Booking Policies page yet?

How do I get to We’re One Thai Massage?
We’re One Thai Massage is located inside of Shops on Yonge shopping centre located at Unit 116 of 7181 Yonge St, Thornhill, ON L3T 0C7.

You can arrive to the shopping centre by driving — there is free parking. You can also arrive by public transit — YRT 77 to Yonge St. @ Glen Cameron Rd.

Where is We’re One Thai Massage located in Shops on Yonge?
We are located in Unit #116 on the right side of the mall.

It’s my first time getting a Thai Massage. Is there anything specific I need to know to prepare?

  • If you need to eat prior to the appointment, please eat at least one hour prior to the appointment

  • If you are getting a Thai Oil Massage and have long hair, please tie it up

  • Please put your phone on silent so it helps to maintain a relaxing atmosphere

  • We will provide a change of clothes for you but please keep your under garments on

What payment options are there?
We accept cash, Interac, credit card (VISA and Mastercard).

Is there an age limit for an appointment?
All ages are welcome. If you are under the age of 18, please come with your parent.

What products do you use for the Thai Oil Massage?
We use Eluscence Professional Massage Oil and La Palm Spa Products Aromatherapy Massage Oil (Clear Lavender) for the Thai Oil Massage. We use Artistry products for the Thai Facial Massage.

Still can’t find an answer to your question? Ask us by using the Contact Us form.